Online Session Planner

The Conference Program is now available in our single web application.

Session Planner Guideline

  • Program view

Choose how to view the online program by clicking on ‘Filter’:
You will be able to view the sessions:

    • As a list (List)
    • By room (Horizontal)
    • By time (Vertical)

Choose your preferred view and size (S, M, L)

  • Program agenda and export
    • Click on the icon Login in the upper right corner of the program to create an account. This login allows you to find your favorites on other computers and browsers as well.
    • Click on a session to preview the content. When previewing a session, click on the star icon ‘Add to my program’ if you wish to add the session to your favorites.
    • You can also save the session as a calendar file.
    • You can export your favorites as a PDF file by clicking on ‘Download program’. This export will contain your saved favorites as well as your personal schedule.
  • Search the program
    • You can access the database of sessions, presentations, posters and speakers by clicking on ‘Filter’ -> ‘View as’ -> ‘List’. This path will show you the options below:
    • You may enter a search term into the search field in the upper bar of the page. The search phrase evaluates session titles, presentation titles and names.
    • You can apply filters in the top bar by clicking on ‘Legend’. If you click on one of the topics, only the sessions within that topic will appear.
    • Directly in the Filter, you may choose session types, topics or session rooms.
  • Search for abstracts
    Via ‘Filter’ -> ‘View as’ -> ‘List’ -> Abstracts
    • You need to add a keyword or a name to refine the search, since this shows all abstracts.
    • Within the session, click on the presentation and you will be able to view the respective Abstract.