About ISER

Learn about the Society

The Mission of ISER is to provide a unique international platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on contemporary topics in eye and vision research among its members and the broader eye/vision research community.

ISER supports this mission by holding scientific meetings at venues throughout the world, through its journal, Experimental Eye Research, and by focusing resources on the development and support of early career researchers, especially those working in the research programs of ISER members.

On the 18th of December 1968, fourteen scientists from the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland met in Oxford, England to discuss the merits of establishing an international organization to support eye research. It was agreed that there was a need for such an organization, because those scientists interested in studying the eye were scattered over many scientific disciplines in many countries, and such a Society would bring them together periodically from all over the world. It was emphasized that the future generation of scientists should be invited to the meetings organized by the Society, and helped financially to participate. The Society would strive to offer opportunities to young scientists to see and hear, and to be seen and heard. Among the objectives were: coordination of various channels of research communication; establishment of an international information center and clearing house for financial, organizational and operational aspects of eye research; stimulation and promotion of international research cooperation; assistance and cooperation with local, national and regional eye research organizations when needed.

Probably the most interesting proposition was the idea that such a new international organization should help scientists worldwide in the planning and coordination of research activities. Participants also expressed the opinion that the journal, “Experimental Eye Research”, should become the official publication of the new Society.

Membership Information

There shall be six categories of members, which shall be designated collectively as Members. These categories are Full, Family, Early Career Researchers, Sustaining, Emeritus and Honorary.
Benefits of Membership:
  • Substantially reduced registration fees for ISER’s Biennial Meetings and off-year meetings and symposia, held in various locations around the world
  • Affordable dues that allow you to choose the option that best meets your needs
    • Option 1: Dues including a journal subscription
    • Option 2: Dues without a journal subscription
  • Reduced subscription rate for ISER’s journal – Experimental Eye Research – Over $200 in savings to ISER Members (for most member categories)
    • The journal’s impact factor is 3.332 for 2016. The cumulative 5-year impact factor is 3.235.
    • Choice between online or print subscription formats
  • Free color in the print version of Experimental Eye Research for members (just one per research team needed)
  • Free online color reproduction for all submissions, with no page charges
  • Publishing opportunities
  • Research Prizes – 4 different major prizes are awarded every two years at ISER’s Biennial Meetings
  • Small, intimate meetings that allow opportunities for:
    • One-on-one exchanges with international colleagues
    • Poster sessions that draw people with flexibility of formatting and schedule
    • Oral presentation of research in symposia
    • Interesting meeting sites all over the world
  • Website for Organizational Updates – www.iser.org
  • Leadership growth potential and committee volunteer opportunities
  • Networking opportunities
  • Receive information of many grant opportunities
  • Participate in the online member discussion forum, Eye2Eye
  • Post career opportunities on the website at no charge
Additional benefits for Early Career Researcher Members:
  • Thousands of dollars granted to Early Career Researchers each year in Travel Fellowship Awards to attend biennial meetings and off-year meetings and symposia
  • Small, intimate biennial meetings with more opportunities for Early Career Researchers to:
    • Meet and interact with senior scientists
    • Participate in poster competitions
    • ‘Stand out’ by presenting orally in a forum developed for Early Career Researchers